“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men” Col. 3:23
A Message from Christian Sampson, RBCS Athletic Director
Welcome to Knight Nation!
At Rocky, it is our goal to teach Godly, everyday Christian living. We believe that the competition produced in sports presents challenges that every person will face in life. As a result, RBCS’s Athletic Program is committed to developing Christ-like character and competitive greatness in all our athletes. In loss, we look for lessons and motivation. In victory, we seek humility and opportunity. These statements embody the virtues and character of our athletic department, coaches, and athletes, so that we will be shining lights for Jesus Christ.
Sports Registration
1: Be an RBCS Student
Be officially enrolled with RBCS
Homeschoolers enroll with Homeschool Office –
2: Complete Forms
EL2 – Sports Physical
EL3 – Consent and Liability
Upload onto FinalForms
Homeschool families, see below
3: Register Online
Go to https://rockybayou-fl.finalforms.com
Follow prompts to create accounts.
4: Pay Athletic Fee
$300 – Turn into Athletic Office
What we offer :
33 sports teams Middle School – High School
Sports Performance Class for specific, individualized training
350 athletes between Middle School and High School
*In order for students to participate in any athletics, both the EL2 & EL3 forms must be turned in to the Athletic Office.
***All homeschool students must contact Kim Cannon in the Homeschool Office at homeschool@rbcs.org before participating.
Knight Athletics offers a wide variety of sports for your student!
33 sports teams Middle School – High School
Sports Performance Class for specific, individualized training
350 athletes between Middle School and High School
- Your student will be a part of a team and continue to grow in their Christian walk while learning self-discipline, respect, and perseverance.
- We take Biblical worldview to the field, helping your student develop skills and character.
- Sports, Student Government, Leadership Trek, and other extracurricular programs are just a few of the many ways we help your student reflect the Portrait of a Graduate.
Elementary intramural opportunities vary by campus and begin as early as Kindergarten.
Sports Registration
We are very excited to announce that the Rocky Bayou Christian School Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms!
FinalForms is an online forms and data management service that allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your student(s). The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year. That means that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time.
You may review your data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.
Click on the Parent Playbook link above to get started in FinalForms. If you require any support during the process, scroll to the page bottom and click “Use Support”.
ALL athletes must be registered using FinalForms.
Please register at: https://rockybayou-fl.finalforms.com and follow the prompts to create your account, create your students and sign your forms. Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork processes at RBCS.

Football (HS): KC Woods, woodsk@rbcs.org
Volleyball (HS): Layne Stine, stinel@rbcs.org
Basketball Girls (HS): Aaron Cain, cainaaron@rbcs.org
Basketball Boys (HS): Rob Hubbs, hubbsr@rbcs.org
Soccer Boys (HS): John Agnew, rbcsknightsoccer@yahoo.com
Soccer Girls (HS): Brian Alldredge, alldredgeb@rbcs.org
Cross-Country: Ceylona Chapman, chapmanc@rbcs.org
Golf: Christian Sampson, sampsonc@rbcs.org
Swim: Nikki Knox, nfkox3@gmail.com
Wrestling: Kevin Walsh, walshk@rbcs.org
Tennis: Matt Phillips, rockybayoutennis@gmail.com
Track and Field: Rashid Gayle, gayler@rbcs.org
Softball: Lisa Eaves, eavesl@rbcs.org
Football (MS): Josh Potts, pottsj@rbcs.org
Volleyball (MS): Torey Sampson, sampsont@rbcs.org
Basketball Girls (MS): Rashid Gayle, gayler@rbcs.org
Basketball Boys (MS): Micah Mallory, mjmappraisals@cox.net
Soccer Boys (MS): TBD
Soccer Girls (MS): Jessica Wilson, wilsonj@rbcs.org
Baseball (MS): Micah Mallory, mjmappraisals@cox.net
Athletic Spirit Wear